"Living the experience from the patient . She is the best and always helpful when I email or phone staff response back quickly, very knowledgeable and friendly! 4 Convenient Locations Make An Appointment Make an appointment for any of our offices by calling 404.252.1137 or request an appointment callback with our secure form. Mon - Thu: 8:00AM 4:30PM / Fri: 7:30AM - 4:00PM. Our monthly newsletter keeps you up-to-date on healthy lifestyle, latest news, and our practice. Northside Hospital Atlanta Women's Center 1000 Johnson Ferry Road NE Atlanta, GA 30342 Directions 404-851-8000 The state-of-the-art Women's Center on our Atlanta campus was the first, most comprehensive center focusing on women's health and wellness in the southeast. The office of North Pointe OB/GYN Associates is located on the Northside Hospital-Forsyth campus, and we perform deliveries at the Women's Center at Northside Hospital-Forsyth. Interchange Professional Building: 5780 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd, Atlanta, GA 30342 (4th floor, rooms 430A &B) Thursday, March 23rd 2023 from 5:00pm- 7:30pm. Phone: 404-446-2496 | Fax: 404-446-2497 . 1000 Johnson Ferry Rd, Atlanta, GA, 30342 . 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He provides a wide range of services at the Johns Creek office in Duluth and the Northside office in Atlanta, Georgia. 2023 Copyright Northpoint OB-GYN | Privacy Policy | Sitemap | Designed by TheAdFirm. 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Call us at 404-252-1137 to make your appointment. Virtual OB, our virtual maternity care program, enables you to monitor every stage of your pregnancy whenever and wherever you choose. Sign up and learn childbirth practices and policies from practitioners who deliver babies with our practice. Adolescence is an unique time in the life a young woman. At Northside, it is important for us to provide excellent care not only for our patients, but also for our visitors and guests. The North Atlanta OBGYN team . Dr. Anissa Durairaj, MD, is an Obstetrics & Gynecology specialist practicing in Atlanta, GA with 26 years of experience. Shared call schedule with another private practice group. Claritza is the office manager of Georgia Prenatal, where she works with Dr. Reginald Peek, an OB-GYN. Confidence, that Dr. Gerald Feuer, who has performed over 4,700 robotic surgeries, Dr. Michelle Glasgow, the Atlanta Gynecologic Oncology staff and Northside Hospital, Georgia . . They are certified in adult resuscitation and have a minimum of 5years of Labor and Delivery experience. Obstetrics & Gynecology 1 Provider. Our patients are the sole focus of all our clinical and administrative efforts. OB/GYN health care providers routinely handle gynecology issues including: - Hysterectomies, including open, laparoscopic and robotic Please look for an email/text message a few days before your appointment from Phreesia, our new check-in system. is the parent organization for a consortium of practices, all of which specialize in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Growing Atlanta full-service, office-based women's health practice is seeking an experienced OBGYN to join our exceptional team. - Fibroids We have invested in user-friendly tools to provide a more efficient experience for you and your family. Operating Hours: OB/GYN specialists are specially trained to diagnose and manage gynecological problems requiring surgical treatment. Bret C. Lewis specializes in treating minimally invasive surgery and robotic surgery. 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"streetAddress": "1100 Johnson Ferry Road NE" Were excited to now offer mobile check-in! These services include well-woman care, obstetrics, infertility, family planning, menopause, osteoporosis, hysterectomy, urinary incontinence, robotic and minimally invasive surgeries, and many more. MD, FACOG Specialties: Gynecology . Our Patient Portal is a secure, online environment that is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and available from any computer, smartphone, or tablet! "logo": "https://www.obgynofatlanta.com/multimedia/skeleton/obgyn-logo.png", Maternal-Fetal Specialists has provided care to women in Atlanta, Alpharetta and Gwinnett counties since 1989. I was originally drawn by the excitement, joy and parental gratitude associated with delivering babies., My first experience delivering a baby was as a medical student. Dr. Simone Whitmore - Duluth, Georgia OB/GYN | Privia Proudly part of Privia Health Simone Whitmore, MD Physician Make an Appointment Accepts New Patients Offers Virtual Visits Locations for Dr. Whitmore 3460 Summit Ridge Pkwy Duluth, GA 30096 (678) 584-9223 View Accepted Insurances Board Certification (s) Obstetrics & Gynecology Education Visit the list of practices. Learn More. Northside Hospital is . These are used to get details of certain types of birth defects). Our caring providers will office reassurance and treatment options for common concerns such as painful periods, heavy menstrual bleeding, and contraceptive needs. Voted best Ob/Gyn and winners of Top Doctor! @media screen and (max-width:575px){.inner_banner figure img{height:240px;object-fit:cover}.blog_banner figure img{height:auto!important;object-fit:cover}} Dr. Bret C. Lewis currently practices at Northside/Northpoint . I have been going to dr. Durairaj since more then 10 years. 1000 Johnson Ferry Rd, Atlanta, GA, 30342 . It will take place Thursday, March 14 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Northside Hospital Cancer Institute Radiation Oncology - Midtown, 1110 West Peachtree Street NW, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30309. Jessica E. Harroche, MD. An OB/GYN specialist can offer treatment options to women experiencing uncomfortable symptoms, such as hot flashes or sleep problems, and screen for additional health risks caused by the body's lack of estrogen. OBGYN Atlanta | Voted Best OBGYN in Atlanta for 10 Years Call Us: (404) 255 3633 Voted Top Doctors In Atlanta 2022 Schedule Your Appointment Voted Top Doctors In Atlanta 2022 Schedule Your Appointment Welcome to Northside/Northpoint OB-GYN At Northside/Northpoint OB-GYN of Atlanta and Alpharetta, GA, we care for women of all ages and walks of life. "@type": "MedicalBusiness", Cumming Northside Forsyth, Alpharetta at Avalon, . before relocating to Atlanta in 1995. We deliver babies at this location and perform surgeries. OBGYN near Northside Hospital. Their skilled team of women's health professionals includes OB/GYNs, urogynecologists, nurse practitioners, sonographers, urodynamics specialists, and laboratory and imaging technicians. "openingHours": "Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr 08:30-17:00", 4360 Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd, Atlanta, GA, 30341 (770) 393-1988 Affiliated Hospitals 1 Northside Hospital Atlanta Hospital Affiliations Northside Hospital Atlanta Atlanta, GA #47 in. An Ob-GYN hospitalist program serving the 3-hospital Northside System is a natural extension of the services that we offer to the North Atlanta Metro community. They make paperwork easy! . Our patients are the sole focus of all our clinical and administrative efforts. At the top of the ramp, turn right. The doctors and staff are professional and courteous while remaining efficient and caring. New patients are welcome. Dr. Marshall delivered my baby and she was amazing as well. Dr. Cherry is an Atlanta native and graduated from Roswell High School. 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