Now let's see what activewear does to someone who does not have the natural style essence. Comfort is high on the priority list of this type, and clothing is therefore relaxed and loose - even a bit messy. In Kibbe, Tilda Swinton is pure dramatic because she is yang dominant. INGENUE style type. But the clothing has to move - it can't sit still. Small florals and botanicals are also great choices. Let's take a look at Tzuyu and Emma Watson. This essence conjures up images of mythical creatures, fairies and mermaids, and the cosmos and galaxies. Deep set sultry eyes - romantic. DRAMATIC style type. Check out Gigi Hadid: Does she look sloppy and as if she just picked some clothes out of a hamper? Kibbe really wanted YOU to shine and he aimed at simplifying a trend-obsessed culture, finding your unique beauty, and embracing those traits. A signature style of the gamine essence is patterns and fits traditionally associated with boys' clothing. You can see her fuse both the Kibbe dramatic style lines and her ethereal essence style at different red carpet events. For accessories, this can be in the form of actual winged creatures such as butterflies. John Kitchener offers online analysis here. Small decorations and details, such as delicate trimmings, appear in abundance. The Romantic style essence is the sensual deep yin essence. If you can carry off an elaborate outfit and you don't look like you're trying too hard, there's a good chance you have some romantic essence in you. The gamine style essence communicates youthful rebelliousness. I also look good with pieces that have a natural textural quality to them and are not overly confining (overall). Now let's see how a girly dress looks on someone who does not have the ingenue style essence. Jennifer, in contrast, doesn't look comfortable and elegant. However, Kibbe was not the first to delve into the concept of melding your bodys most authentic traits and shapes and harmonizing them with what you wear. Learn how to build a flattering and functional wardrobe tailored to you. The Lost Child. And traditionally, a lot of casting directors use Black and white photos to get an immediate impression, which I thought would help simplify this. This was super interesting. The natural style essence is the sportive, casual yang style essence.Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of activeness and a laid-back, easy-going nature.Naturals and their clothing styles can be associated with the themes of nature, the outdoors, and activeness. However, this childlike look is not really cute or innocent. The best patterns for the ingenue style essence are playful and whimsical. Vintage styles work incredibly well on the ingenue style essence because of their affinity to small, intricate details and the love for trimmings. The Classic Essence is balanced yin and yang. They seek to bridge the gap between your body and your clothing lines. They can have a softer appearance (though not always) and can look like they belong from another age. To make the effect even more visible, let's look at Anne when she's wearing her essences: This mix of romantic with classic and natural looks so amazing on Anne. The classic style essence creates a formal, elegant image. Kate looks very natural and comfortable. So here you can see the importance of considering your essence. To follow the natural curves, romantic clothing is soft and flowing. Fairytale example: Hansel & Gretel. And therefore, any wing-like design or actual feathers will add to the majesty of this type. Wild landscapes best sum up this style essence. You don't have to spend your whole life trying to fit into a mold you don't like . Someone who has the romantic style essence looks sexy and effortlessly glamorous in such an outfit. Btw, if you like the ingenue essence you can definitely try to emulate it. For the ingenue style essence that means following the delicate, petite, rounded lines and soft curves of individuals with this style essence. Individuals with the ingenue style essence tend to have a petite or short body type, as it is this smallness of the body parts that makes ingenue clothing look great on them. look best when they are long (yang) but have a fitted waist (yin). This essence is all about a mature, sensual image (not to be confused with the innocent prettiness of the Ingenue). It is this appearance of strength that makes natural clothing look great on them. But even though ingenue clothing designs are petite, they are not simple. If you can carry off a theatrical, unconventional outfit and look like you mean business, there's a good chance you have some dramatic essence in you. And their physical traits are listed similarly. While the romantic style essence portrays a woman's sensual femininity, the Ingenue style essence characterizes innocent and warm femininity. While Julia Roberts certainly does have some natural essence to her and fits the FN description very well, we cant negate her romantic essence and how well she looks with romantic influences to her look. While color is an extremely fundamental part of Kitcheners essence system, any skin/hair/color combo can be any essence. Yes, Zoe looks credible even in unconventional patterns. Both Kitchener and Kibbe reference Liza Minelli as a hallmark gamine. This doesn't look like a garden party, and again, we get that glamorous effect on her. This site embraces fashion and finding confidence, self-assuredness, and internal beauty through style. She looks incredible and very comfortable in the ethereal looks of the angelic style essence. They are seemingly more extroverted, have a highly-expressive nature, a rebellious attitude, and they may be drawn to extreme fashion and costume that expresses their theatrical nature. Something that is closely related to comfort is layering. Individuals with the romantic style essence tend to have a fleshy, curvy body type, as it is this roundness of the body parts that makes romantic clothing look amazing on them. all look natural and harmonious on this type. The plainer, the better. Check out my deep dive into the ingenue essence here: The Angelic Essence is the most yin and ethereal essence. For . Kitchener, while viewing the progression of fashion lines like Romeo Gigli and style icons like Darryl Hannah, he proceeded to add the integral style essence of angelic. Learn more about the angelic style essence. Disconcerting that petite women only fit into gamine or ingenue categories in your chart. While I have not had my essences personally defined by John, I would guestimate the percentages to be as follows: 35% natural, 35% romantic, 30% dramatic. As blend between square and circle, the classic silhouette is slightly fitted and is neither too long nor too short. A signature style of the natural essence is activewear. Hand in hand with unusual textures goes the need for bold colours. Not a Dramatic Classic, I meant I am a Soft Natural (I just had looked at your DC Style Guide when I wrote that comment). Style essences can be a useful tool in exploring your personal style and the vibe you give off to the world. Mythical creatures best sum up this style essence. The shapes that best fit this description are unstructured, not clearly defined, and irregular - what we would normally think of when we think of something 'natural'. This allows me to pull off slightly more intricate details, textures, and even some romantic style lines. Blends of 2 types. Although this style essence is feminine like the romantic essence, it is a childlike, innocent cuteness as opposed to the mature . In addition, we said that the ingenue style essence is associated with youthful innocence and playfulness. These themes will be reflected in ingenue clothing. Three essences are yang types of beauty, three are yin types of beauty, and one is a balance between yin and yang. Adjectives like gentle, cute, and pretty could be used to describe people of the ingenue style essence. Androgyny is a mix of both feminine and masculine characteristics. The seven essences are ranked on a scale of Yin and Yang. On the negative side, purely Ingenue essence women may struggle to embody more grown movements, particularly sexy movements. On the contrary, she looks even more classy. To achieve an eclectic look, bright colours and patterns are mixed and matched freely. She has a different type of beauty. Here we can even see a natural essence with a touch of classic essence as well. Where other types would look like they're wearing children'c clothes, a Gamine portrays coolness and self-assurance. These dresses don't make Kristen Bell look goddess-like. Please take the elements from the above chart as a general outline (especially the hair color, skin, and eye color). The ingenue style essence is another yin essence, but its type of yin is decorative small-scale yin. She looks stunning, dignified, and very comfortable in the bold looks of the dramatic style essence. They appear almost magical in their essence, like a fairy, mermaid, or goddess. Hand in hand with unstructured shapes goes the concept of relaxed fits. On Jourdan, this style is complementing and highly flattering, but on Kristen, this look is just disappointing. Both have a childlike appearance. The effect of boyish clothing on her then is the opposite. Abstractly, we can associate the dramatic style essence with the themes of danger and wildness. The gamine style essence creates a bold, playful image. Notice how the ladies in the following examples all have bold appearances and a hint of danger in their faces. In todays culture, fast fashion and chasing trends are prevalent. And if I am correct, I think my essences are Ingenue (definitely the majority), Natural, and Classic is tertiary. In her book, McJimsey followed on with the yin/yang balance and started to map out different physical traits for each that would apply to 6 main archetypes: Dramatic, Athletic, Classic, Romantic, Gamine, and Ingenue. Kate looks elegant, but Jennifer Aniston looks stiff and uncomfortable in this kind of style. Individuals of this style essence tend to have a curvy and voluptuous body type with alluring eyes. Its a lot to take in, but its definitely fun! If you can carry off a minimal, formal look without looking boring, there's a good chance you have some classic essence in you. Kim looks like she had a bad day. The Ingenue style essence is the decorative small-scale yin essence. And while the ingenue silhouette still resembles an hourglass, it's compact. The Classic style essence is the formal, traditional essence balancing yin and yang.Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of formality, elegance, and conservatism.Classics and their clothing styles can be associated with the themes of aristocracy, conservatism and timelessness.
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